Ody on the mount: Shine your Light...
Yvon DELBECQUE: La troupe
VGPhotoz Collectionz: It's Heating Up
Ronny Olsson: Olympus E-M1X + OLYMPUS M.40-150mm F2.8
kckelleher11: Owl Ready to Fly
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Mountain Standard Time
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Left Turn Only
VGPhotoz Collectionz: There's Hope
VGPhotoz Collectionz: That's My Mom
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Taking Center Stage
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Untamed Heart
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Transcending
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Cotton Candy Sky
VGPhotoz Collectionz: The Visitor's Center
Ronny Olsson: Olympus E-M1MarkIII M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-20
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Waiting For A Miracle
VGPhotoz Collectionz: My Winter Memories
Mariano Abad: Pico picapinos. (Dendrocopos major)
keeman44: Sunrays_20210918_9181150-HDR-Edit
alfred.reinartz: crocus 30202
daverigleyphotos: Tortoiseshell in my garden
Michael Guthmann: Kiwi be aware of the bulls
daverigleyphotos: Small copper
Baffledmostly: blue tit 270m_594
daverigleyphotos: Dandelion flower
NoJuan: You Lookin' At Me?
CWhatPhotos: Insect , flower power.
Del.Higgins: Lobster Shack at Sunset
ecker: Carla