Luna y Valencia: Un rilfesso che divide
Carsten Bahnsen: Blaumeise / blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
malioli: Guardian of the nest
j/bimages: Southport
enrico377: 279 - Time Square 21.04.2023
davisrickcharlesallan: over a stream lake Ontario
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Brewer's Blackbird
alandebarker: View to Boscawen Point
My Digital Gallery: Almsee - Another Panorama with Afternoon Sun
Wolfgang Schrade: Wintersunset
EFD-fotolab: 13/2025 Petirrojo europeo, (Erithacus rubecula)
wturko: Eggenberg castle
ralfkai41: Winterberg Clique
Patrick (1945): NOGS - Essex, Ulting, Ultingwick - 03-09-2021 (04)A
yan08865: Another glorious morning in Greenland
Klaus Ficker --Landscape and Nature Photographer--: Glade Creek Grist Mill, West Virginia
marinagermain78: Harle couronné - Hooded Merganser DSC09892-Mod.jpg
matthias416: Sommarøy Blues
Treetop&bird: _DSC9152-Edit
George Kurzik: Winter Trestle
Terry Carew: Red Toad
saddi.ascanio: Controluce nella spiaggia delle Ginestre (Muravera)
kazzawazzaa: Bang Tao Beach, Thailand
charles.jacques: _DSC2074-Avec accentuation-Bruit-Modifier
yonca60: Ottoman Bazaar
albert.herbigneaux1: Portrait du cormoran, Portrait of the cormorant
He Ro: Giraffe calf