♥ Joyce ♥: IMG_3739
hige: beauties
Yotta1000: P1020293
Yotta1000: Hello
naimaze: jun
naimaze: jun endo
chrisk8800: Beauty parlour
Kylie alexis: Grubby little potato toes
Matthew Vinci: midtown street corner
jul!oseven: 風景:最浪漫的寂寞
tassrock: Small world
nataliebehring.com: Pretty Girl on the G Train
321Dogs: Japanese Girls Under Their Umbrellas
321Dogs: Pretty Taiwanese Girl
labossa: Sweet dream
Puykamo@Tнai: Red nails
H.L.Tam: War Museum. Pyongyang
Bernard Chevalier: Détente printanière
Bernard Chevalier: Passage du cerf
[peter davis]: 29 <woman
mfrissen: Legginess
yoshiisland: lady, and the shadows