.|mwopics|.: johannisbeeren
donovan_terry: Woodland daffodils
andredekesel: Rove beetle
nigel_xf: Lake Wissel after sunset
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Siberian Stonechat (Saxicola maurus)
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Rouxinol-do-japão | Red‐billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Arabian Green Bee-eater (Merops cyanophrys cyanophrys)
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Souimanga Sunbird (Cinnyris sovimanga)
Thelma Gátuzzô: Inca Tern
Quim Granell: (6805) AI ART
♡ M i c h e l l e ♡: 310/365 - drink your milk
CameliaTWU: A moth on the ceiling!
CameliaTWU: A sudden friendly paw on my shoulder
JLS@Photos: European Robin (singing place), Rougegorge familier (perchoir de chant)
donovan_terry: Saggy hibiscus
Robert Hájek: From forest.
CameliaTWU: Detail of Bird-of-paradise flower
chinwenyus: butterfly
CameliaTWU: Zamfira Monastery painted church
Martin Bärtges: Miniature mushrooms in the moss
Bernhard Pankalla: Rot und Schwarz / Red and Black
MarculescuEugenIancuD5200Alaska: Himalayan Blue Poppy
·dron·: mothering
CameliaTWU: Evening Primrose
Pe Bour: Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding Rose'
swaily ◘ Claudio Parente: I profumi di notte .
jmboyer: Marie