pf.paulofernandez: DSS00499 F
AllHarts: Pine Warbler, male
PT_Photo_Steve: And the fish was this big.. ( Goose )
avifawner: Pacific golden plover
Marclinby: Drake Greater Scaup.
mlachance04: Harle couronné ( Lophodytes cucullatus )
Seppi49: Blaumeise/blue tit
Hui6688: 灰林鴿 Ashy Wood-Pigeon ♀
Duncan Jacob: Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)
Paul R Londraville: Hammerhead
miketabak: Northern Hawk Owl with vole
jack cottone: 3944 Juvenile Bald Eagle @ Connetquot River.
Richard Miguletz: Wasseramsel_268DSC00704-B
billtroutmaster: Spotted Sandpiper by Bill Blodgett 1.2.25 Collier Co FL with Z9 + z180-600+1.4tc cp9457 upscaled_
pierre pesant: HARLE COURONNÉ / HOODED MERGANSER (Lophodytes cucullatus)
paul.porral: Le Harle bièvre femelle
bernard.bonifassi: Noire et blanche
reipa59: Kranichzug / Crane migration
horstjudykaiser: Simply irresistible
mac2creative: Red Kite BIF-2
M F Davis: Redpoll_MFD6499-E-NR-6K-4
joseanme_mo: Mosquitero común
ricklebaudour: Male Evening Grosbeak
Jim Zenock: 204A8027_DxO-2
oldshoe11d: Every dog has it's day
long.fanger: promise of snow morning