Megan Lorenz: Brilliant Beauty
Shelouise: Ass Hat
Gowanus: Once the World's Largest Crane
s_malibu69: 1232848588245_f
Smithsonian Institution: Mailing Letters
The Library of Congress: Negro boy near Cincinnati, Ohio (LOC)
Powerhouse Museum Collection: The start of girls' snowshoe race, Kiandra
Elio Pallard: Cigni selvatici
{lisa.anne}: three.
vishaljadhav: Ghost Flight
ndalum78: Broken Flowers
azteca404: Abeja Carpintera, Xylocopa varipuncta
niqueallen: wow his fingers are really weird
the-father: blinders
Andy G Leonard: Tres 02
langschmidta: Mexiko Juli-Aug.2008 069
smif: ca: ladybirds
kasmil: place...
RahelSharon: Cat in a basket 2
diavoli: What do YOU have in your bag? :P
jim_skreech: Beach at Lyme Regis, Dorset
amaw: cattle egret - bubulcus ibis