{lisa.anne}: LIGHT before the storm = perfection. My Austin.
{lisa.anne}: Top Knot . . . Halle.
{lisa.anne}: H and H. Summer nights.
{lisa.anne}: H . A . L . L . E
{lisa.anne}: H . A . L . L . E
{lisa.anne}: a u s t i n
{lisa.anne}: Ad for RP
{lisa.anne}: Me. 46.
{lisa.anne}: profile….love
{lisa.anne}: FIFTEEN
{lisa.anne}: Printed large on canvas for a client.
{lisa.anne}: H and A . . .
{lisa.anne}: Prince Harry ;-)
{lisa.anne}: Longing . . .
{lisa.anne}: Six-Years-Old
{lisa.anne}: "Unless you try to do something you have already mastered ~ you will never grow." {ralph.waldo.emerson}
{lisa.anne}: back to b&w
{lisa.anne}: My beautiful friend and her daughter.
{lisa.anne}: My very own Super Hero
{lisa.anne}: I feel so disconnected from flickr ~ as I rarely post here anymore....almost all of my work is on instagram and facebook.
{lisa.anne}: C . A . K . E
{lisa.anne}: BATWOMAN.
{lisa.anne}: Photo of Me....Taken by my Harrison (14-years-old)....he was experimenting with shadow and light and lots of grain.
{lisa.anne}: l.o.v.e
{lisa.anne}: Happy Birthday to my very own superman!
{lisa.anne}: five years old next week . . .
{lisa.anne}: The sun was pure perfection yesterday. {me & austin} Hard to imagine he is getting too big to hold on my hip. Happy Sunday to everyone.
{lisa.anne}: Had dinner with this lovely girl at Salut last night in St. Paul.
{lisa.anne}: My close friends.