possessed2fisheye: 312/365 - Face Down Tuesday #619
Dave1W: Wild Atlantic Way
Tony Brierton: Kilmicheal Point.
possessed2fisheye: 117/365 - Face Down Tuesday #544
possessed2fisheye: 74/365 - high five
CatMacBride: watercolour leaves
Wendy:: spring has sprung; robin's bath time
blavandmaster: Camino a casa
Dave1W: Obelisk
Photos - Mike Smith: A stroll on the beach
John Hickey - fotosbyjohnh: Dunlaoghaire at night - DSC_0190-Edit-2
Dave1W: Killiney Dalkey
John Hickey - fotosbyjohnh: Sunset - DSC_0156
possessed2fisheye: 216/366 - turns out cleaning my sensor is a much bigger job than i had anticipated
CatMacBride: zombie
possessed2fisheye: 151/366 - a change of mind
Wendy:: squiggles HSS
Wendy:: allium hues
Wendy:: where the bee sucks...
Wendy:: gladiolus communis Byzantinus
callbusybiz: ROCN_LST201_07
blavandmaster: Evening walk
possessed2fisheye: 29/366 - the creation of inspiration
Wendy:: Privet berries -HMBT ~HSS
Kevin.Grace: Poolbeg Silhouette
possessed2fisheye: 72/365 - she was just toying with my affections
Sled Dog Grafik: Ben Nevis -Fortwilliam view