Nynature21: Adult Bald Eagle perched on its favorite tree on a cold blustery day with snow bands all around the area. Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge Seneca Falls, NY
Daniel Hemingsen: Painted lady butterfly on a thistle
jaytee27: False Tiger Moth larva - Dysphania militaris
wjpostma: Bosknobbeldaas
marcbenezech: MARTIN PËCHEUR .
angeloalmeida2010: DSCF3010-28-11-24
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-7853-Wüstengimpel
Nick Ransdale: IMG_0676. Southern Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus baeticus)
Yvonne Nielsen: Rudetæge (Rhombic Leatherbug / Syromastus rhombeus)
Yvonne Nielsen: Mnemosyne (Clouded Apollo / Parnassius mnemosyne)
Ng Aomoa: Chersonesia risa, the common maplet
okiox: Orange-bellied flowerpecker on mango. Dicaeum trigonostigma
aptyche: Haubenmeise
Ioannis Ks: Street cafe
festoon1: Good morning every one
Sylvester K: Black snipefly (Chrysopilus cristatus), Rhagionidae
peterschmidt2711: Aporia crataegi
Daniel Hemingsen: Green leopard frog on a leaf
SivamDesign: Bronzed Drongo
Daniel Hemingsen: Grasshopper on the plant
jaytee27: Blue Mormon - Papilio polymnestor
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-5373-Bluthänfling
Ioannis Ks: Ampelopsis
Nick Ransdale: 0S8A1582. Truxalis nasuta (Acrididae)
Nick Ransdale: 0S8A1595. Orange-Winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi) m-imm
mishko2007: Malayan Viscount
hippobosca: Catasticta sisamnus
Judy Gallagher: Red Eft - Notophthalmus viridescens, Shenandoah River State Park, Bentonville, Virginia, May 28, 2020
Judy Gallagher: Dilemma Orchid Bee - Euglossa dilemma, Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Key Largo, Florida, December 9, 2023
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-4253-Epeolus cruciger