SKeysImages: GRSC2404aCS
SKeysImages: YHBB2404aCS
SeventhMonk: Tree Swallow - Hirondelle bicolore
DaveSPN: Nev The Sixth, Seventh ......
DaveSPN: Raindrops
Bonnie Forman-Franco: 2024-08-15--GREEN HERON IN FLIGHT- MARINE NATURE STUDY AREA _P8150221
patricia.hoedts: Gamba verda - Archibebe claro - Common greenshank - Chevalier aboyeur - Tringa nebularia
modekopp: Neuntöter
DAMON WEST Great Blue Heron 0560 web
jangurney: DSC06448 - Getting ready to jump
patricia.hoedts: Esplugabous - Garcilla bueyera - Western cattle egret - Héron garde-boeufs - Bubulcus ibis
Bryan J. Smith: FERPYGOWL brasilianum 5727
ecwillet: the "i got a fish and you don't" strut
DaveSPN: Holding The High Ground - HWW
IsaacCSanchez: Collared Inca (female)
available66: Junge Eisvogeldame
wildwest photo: _87A3436 Least Sandpiper Cold Springs NWR_
Davidgee2008: 230907 Duck - 1
gilgit2: Citrine Wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
IsaacCSanchez: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
gilgit2: European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
gilgit2: White-cheeked Nuthatch (Sitta leucopsis)
IsaacCSanchez: White-booted Racket-tail
Andy Martin 267: ST.Mawes Castle-3837
Wolvenpolder 2023: Canadese ganzen
Dave_Lawrence: Bonaparte's Gull---Chroicocephalus philadelphia
ott.rebane: Steps forward - Dunlin
IsaacCSanchez: Great-tailed Grackle attacks Snowy Egret
birdmanron: Tufted Duck Yorkshire England
Ricardo Bitran: Juvenile Inca Doves (Columbina inca), Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica 2017