Dirk Hessels: Mildenburg Estate, I especially like the reflection of the water.
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_7749
Jani-Lee: A Great Gray day!
Fabien Baziz: Grand Cormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
·dron·: Aktoprak Pass
Andy Ziegler: Ice formations at the Rock River
davdenic: Under the rain
Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez: Catch of the day
PatriciaNicoloso: Pica-pau-de-cabeça-amarela/Blond-crested Woodpecker
Andy Ziegler: Salt of the Earth
psp3181964: Barred Owl
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_5279
aptyche: Robin
ALLEN SCHIAVONI: wolf-grey...portrait
ALLEN SCHIAVONI: RUDDY SHELDUCK....Drake...on the move... feathered out
ALLEN SCHIAVONI: sub bald-eagle-flying-by-with-fish_
Ted Humphreys Nature: Barn Owl at Hesketh Bank Outmarsh RSPB today
dozer1638: Sandhill Crane
psp3181964: Rufous Hummingbird
boonloke: BANDY WORDS
Andy Ziegler: Ice formations in the Rock River
boonloke: MERCY!
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_3086
Quang An: White-tailed Kite vs Northern Harrier
Jani-Lee: We understood the "Warning." It certainly is a lot of pressure to hunt for your food everyday but he obliged us with a few quick shots and we graciously carried on our way to allow him to hunt in peace.
Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez: Cuevas de la Audiencia