kedras: Bitininkas(Merops apiaster)m--4
SpikeFiftyOne: Whimbrel on the move
olivier.debot: Le festin
jeremie.gellie: Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Vicki's Nature: 12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful for - #5 Gray Petaltail
Josef...: humaaan!
Tim Melling: Dolphin approaching
Piet Krom 2: Reed warbler.
Piet Krom 2: Fly free ladybird.
RoystonVasey: Bonnie & Clyde
I_middlebrook: Araniella cucurbitina (Cucumber Spider)
John Tymon: Great Crested Grebe - Adult feeding Young
Emma Braden: Gannet portrait
Tim Birds: Wheatear Cemlyn Bay 18-4-24
Tenspeed2: Arctic Tern
Lauren Tucker Photography: Puffin - Fratercula arctica
RJSchutDigitaal: Oranje breedscheenjuffer - Orange Featherleg - Rote Federlibelle - Platycnemis acutipennis
mikedenton19: Black Kite Portrait
zeeimage: Snow leopard stares into the distant mountain range of Afghanistan
steve.liptrot.z8: Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)
JesúsRM: Elanio común - Black winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus Amur Leopard
Glenn.B: Common Kestrel
Nicolas Valentin: Only in Nature ..........
peterspencer49: Kestrel (m)
Ted Humphreys Nature: See you later
jacandmilo: Snipe
@macro_action: Bottoms up