Piet Krom 2:
Out of my old ("imaginary") shoebox.
Piet Krom 2:
Melting snow.
Piet Krom 2:
Cherry blossom.
Piet Krom 2:
Piet Krom 2:
First snow.
Piet Krom 2:
The workhorse.
Piet Krom 2:
Little girl at the waters edge.
Piet Krom 2:
Aging is not without its struggles
Piet Krom 2:
Piet Krom 2:
Piet Krom 2:
Dig in.
Piet Krom 2:
Big splash.
Piet Krom 2:
Staying close.
Piet Krom 2:
Sense of freedom.
Piet Krom 2:
Job done.
Piet Krom 2:
Piercing eyes.
Piet Krom 2:
Fireworks and animals don't mix.
Piet Krom 2:
Cherry blossom with a swirl.
Piet Krom 2:
Inward bound.
Piet Krom 2:
Geese passing by.
Piet Krom 2:
Piet Krom 2:
It's always so relaxing on the water.
Piet Krom 2:
Open-air beehive.
Piet Krom 2:
35 years ago.
Piet Krom 2:
On the move.
Piet Krom 2:
Out of my old ("imaginary") shoebox.
Piet Krom 2:
Virtual painting of a digital photographer.....
Piet Krom 2:
Captain being criminalized.
Piet Krom 2:
Choppy seas.