Manni Aigner: Ausschau nach Beute - Searching for Prey
mr.brejoc: A regular at the bird feeder
smrc_: King of the Jungle. 🐆
smrc_: Peacock.
DL_Dietz: Blue Jay #3 - 2020-08-22
suzannepask: "Bird on the Wire" title from Leonard Cohen's song
jmarcinik: Northern Harrier
JUCHEN LIN: mantis
nebqed: L'heure Rouge / Red Hour
Kevin Povenz: Cardinal.....
DL_Dietz: Blue Jay #1 - 2020-08-22
gottobeme1234: Kingfisher
GregoryAshmore: Cardinal, puffed up against the cold
PatriciaNicoloso: Quero-quero/Southern Lapwing
Sultan Sultani: Cedar Waxwing
Vince_Adam Photography: Rufous-bellied Swallow (Cecropis badia)
cantilena91: Saturday's Surprise Sky Show I
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
Sultan Sultani: Home Cat
Sultan Sultani: Mockingbrid
ricardocarmonafdez: The mermaid dressed in saffron - La sirena vestida de azafran
jarnasen: M i s t
Jarek S. "Jerry": Bearded reedling
ej - wildlife photography: Kingfisher's Kingdom Part II
twixterbee: Canmore Alberta Canada
Antonio Vidal: Abejarucos, cópula