Ron Buening: Stark Stork (Color)
josemanueldominguez: Chloris chloris ( verderon )
goudy0990: Prestance & Élégance …
Macca.: Lapwing
Ron Buening: Foggy Breath
macromaier: Gelber Knollenblätterpilz
dave dube': Stellar Jay upright
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 + OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5
Ron Buening: So Cold
davdenic: Under the rain
g.cordel: Gazé
goudy0990: Portrait Profil …
Jack O'Donate: Tomocerus minor.
Anatoliy Vityuk: Trachea atriplicis. Совка лутигова
Francesc F P: Àguila daurada
josemanueldominguez: Emberiza calandra ( escribano triguero )
Ron Buening: Grab and Go
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 + OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5
strjustin: Spotted Cucumber Beetle 8-28-23
qjyingling: Ganoga Falls
g.cordel: Mante religieuse
Wellington H Pracz: MOUNTAIN WHITE
Ron Buening: We Shall Hunt In The Shade!
Jack O'Donate: Un regard curieux. / A curious look.
macromaier: 3 Pilze
Ron Buening: Osprey Calling!
goudy0990: Petite Nyctale . / Northern Saw-Whet Owl .
Matt Ketter: Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 + OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5