Seppi49: Der Nebel ist weg !! /The fog is gone!!
rosamiragliotta: Blue-winged Warbler
dennis.weeks8: Cape Porpoise, Maine
Dave_Lawrence: California Scrub-jay---Aphelocoma californica
dennis.weeks8: Onset Harbor, MA
Dave_Lawrence: Black Phoebe---Sayornis nigricans
R Hammerly: Slough as Sun is Setting
Dave_Lawrence: White-crowned Sparrow---Zonothrichia leugophrys
Dave_Lawrence: Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal---Anas discors and A. crecca
ojbfiddlestyx: Guardian of the harbor Whitehead Passage
rosamiragliotta: Resplendent Quetzal (male)
AESTRACT: Winter forest cottage
fisherkingbat: Great Gray Owl portrait, snowfall
jtr27: Post and Beam
R Hammerly: Sun Lit Second Growth
Dave_Lawrence: Fox Sparrow---Passerella iliaca
Seppi49: Die Berner Alpen in der Abendsonne/The Bernese Alps in the evening sun ( Finsteraarhorn, Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau)
rosamiragliotta: Resplendent Quetzal (male)
Jabi Artaraz: Artaldea Gorbeian
dennis.weeks8: Passing under the Bourne Bridge
cheryl.rose83: Pine needles in ice 1
lindaverhoog: northern parula
Dirk Hessels: Mildenburg Estate, I especially like the reflection of the water.
Seppi49: Sumpfmeise/Marsh Tit
Kip Loades: Winter frame
Seppi49: Bäume in schöner Abendstimmung/Trees in a beautiful evening atmosphere
Dave_Lawrence: Brewer's Black Bird---Euphagus cyanocephalus
jtr27: Foggy Morning On Cobbossee
Gary/-King: A section of the Great Meadow