@macro_action: Stop droning on
Zeanana: Fleetfoot Tusk - "Uptown Trunk"
Zeanana: Lilac Breasted Roller
Zeanana: Pygmy Kingfisher
Dirk Hessels: Lapwings | Kievit | Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)
patricia.hoedts: Voltor comu - Buitre leonardo - Griffon vulture - Vautour fauve - Gyps fulvus
eckkheng: Giraffe porn
patricia.hoedts: Valona - Andarrios bastardo - Wood sandpiper - Chevalier sylvain - Tringa glareola
BP Chua: Eurasian Skylark
@macro_action: Big boy
@macro_action: I just want to talk to you , I swear.
hemant.nighojkar: Indian Roller in flight
@macro_action: The Karate King
@macro_action: Pere Para
BP Chua: Stork-billed Kingfisher
BP Chua: Blue-tailed Bee-eater
BP Chua: White-throated Kingfisher
@macro_action: I wonder why they call them pollinators?
@macro_action: Wasp that bee-neath you
@macro_action: Different view of the bee wolf
@macro_action: Tucked in and spread out
rumerbob: Pileated Woodpecker Male.
BP Chua: Dove and Parakeet
@macro_action: Put that tongue away, oh no wait.
BP Chua: Fury Sunset
@macro_action: prepare yourself Betty
mpmc7gm: Vermillion
BP Chua: Greater Painted-snipe (f)
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Kelowna