Stop droning on
Dirk Hessels:
Lapwings | Kievit | Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)
Voltor comu - Buitre leonardo - Griffon vulture - Vautour fauve - Gyps fulvus
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views):
Valona - Andarrios bastardo - Wood sandpiper - Chevalier sylvain - Tringa glareola
Big boy
I just want to talk to you , I swear.
Indian Roller in flight
The Karate King
Pere Para
I wonder why they call them pollinators?
Wasp that bee-neath you
Different view of the bee wolf
Tucked in and spread out
Put that tongue away, oh no wait.
prepare yourself Betty
Gaetan Bois:
Canada - Kelowna