sherrihendricks98: Throw Down
ecwillet: sandhill cranes on the runway
ecwillet: prothonotary warbler
ecwillet: fish flipping practice
sherrihendricks98: "Was that thunder?"
jenmac2: DSC_7123-Edit
ecwillet: blue-gray gnatcatcher
ecwillet: the one, the only, the coot
jenmac2: DSC_1779
MarcBphotos: Vrille
sherrihendricks98: Little Lion
jenmac2: DSC_4766-Edit
ecwillet: mink
ecwillet: remember glamour shots store in the mall ?
MarcBphotos: Bald Eagle
biguglystuff: Hooded Merganser
jenmac2: DSC_8248-Edit
ecwillet: american wigeon
ecwillet: bufflehead
biguglystuff: Hooded Merganser
ecwillet: it showed me the tail feathers
ecwillet: hoodies
sherrihendricks98: Throwing His Weight Around
ecwillet: very close fly by
ecwillet: hawk in late afternoon light
jenmac2: DSC_0776
jenmac2: DSC_2363
jenmac2: DSC_4442
ecwillet: is that a fishkabob ?