Johan Bolhuis: Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Johan Bolhuis: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
tstanford372: Covid/Marsh Harrier stand off.
tstanford372: Chiffchaff
tstanford372: Lapwing
tstanford372: Great White Egret
tstanford372: Common Buzzard
JesúsRM: Quebrantahuesos - Bearded Vulture - Gypaetus barbatus
geraldtourniaire: 408A3693_DxO
tstanford372: Great White Egret
tstanford372: Alba Wagtail
tstanford372: Common Sandpiper
tstanford372: Cormorant
tstanford372: Northern Wheatear
bebert37: DSCN9252
FDR Photography: Timing is everything….No one is safe! #savethedragonflies!
John M Boon: Avocets
John M Boon: Avocets
John M Boon: Avocets
Hanna U images: Small heath - Coenonympha pamphilus
honda1998rrw: Kingfisher 2
flintframer: Beautiful lunch
Michael C*1950: The Order Of The Thistle
143latorre: Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops. Abubilla
tstanford372: Wasp Spider
tstanford372: Grey Wagtail
tstanford372: Large White Butterfly © Jason Hornblow. All rights reserved.
ecwillet: think greenie might see something to eat ?