ricketdi: Purple Finch /Roselin pourpré ( Diane )
dennis.weeks8: East Sandwich Beach, MA
ThoBo62: Yellow Orchid
Raxiris.: Lobita feroz.
elmeri13: DSC_3392
Sonlight812: Weathered Doors
mayekarulhas: Bald eagle
Joe Allen Photography: Song Sparrow at Last Light
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Fading Away (2)
pstenzel71: Wild Grape in Autumn Sun
classcamelia: Inside (Explore 6Dec22)
Judith Noack: peaceful evening
@ingedavid: Tales Fom The Wood .
<Hana>: a little gray today...
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Has A Thing For Red (3)
Steve Don: Handle with Care
Re Ca: Brücke Neuenkamp
Amir Guso: The wild horse enjoys the freedom and the morning sun rays
Laval Roy: 1.18610 Geai à face blanche / Calocitta formosa formosa / White-throated Magpie-Jay
Modern Architect: Dalhia - 22 09 25 - DSC_5643
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Zinnia Zesty Purple (Zinnia peruviana)
cheadle photo: Mallard in the leaves
curecrow: Flor de Catharanthus Roseus mojada
big thanks 4 comments and faves.: Moody sunset-Pelican waters.