J.Hunter Photography: American Three-toed Woodpecker
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A3398 Bush-stone Curlew ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
birdmanron: Firecrest Methley Yorkshire England February 2025
birdmanron: Brambling North Cave Yorkshire England
1Elementin7Groups. Dave Hargus K6DMH: Hooded Merganzer_Z814071-Enhanced-NR
MarjieM777: Flowers in winter - amaryllis 'Aphrodite'
grobinette: White-breasted Nuthach
aptos-kid: Male Northern Flicker (red/yellow shafted hybrid), Watsonville, California
SharifUddin59: Red-headed Bunting (Emberiza bruniceps) (sp. # 603)
Dennis Bartes: Black and White Warbler
AZ Birdybird: Ferruginous Hawk-2-AR5A3186
AZ Birdybird: Ferruginous Hawk-AR5A3185
Brian Calder: Buzzard
Verde River: DSCF1492
Jasper's Human: It's right there in black and white
dan.weisz: Vermilion Flycatcher
dan.weisz: Vermilion Flycatcher
cmescamilla: Green tailed Towhee_MG_8901 edt
cmescamilla: Pyrrhuloxia_MG_5849 edt
zimorodek: Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) singing. Sandia Mts. foothills, New Mexico, USA.
marieroy0808: Lagopède des Saules - Willow Ptarmigan
grobinette: Band-tailed Pidgeon
David C Mishalof: Brown Pelican flying towards the cliffs
grobinette: Northern Mockingbird
Alan Gutsell: Cedar Waxwing
Alan Gutsell: Monk Parakeet