karindebruin: Color Bending!
Snuffy: Moon Rise, Windsor Riverfront, Windsor, ON
iantanky: spiral staircase
albert dros: Tree of Darkness
Wizard CG: colours speak all languages
p.mathias: Beaulieu House
Thomas Hawk: Dances Like a Diamond Shines
AlanHowe :): Steetley Pier
angelofruhr: Märchenschloss in Herbstkulisse
Ken Krach Photography: Arches National Park
Stan Smucker: Swimming Hole
Achim Thomae Photography: Autumn on Lofoten Islands - Explored -
victor.chen@fIickr: Time traveler (Explored 2022/11/15 #1)
reinaroundtheglobe: St John | Dolomites Italy
Bill D114: The Grand Canyon
Eric.Parker: DSC08319_ep
_patclancy56: Gloss Mountains with a spring time Milky Way
~ Floydian ~: Puente Nuevo, Ronda - Spain
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper: 'Where Minke's Play' - Vertorama
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper: 'Meat Cove' - The Best Campground Ever
W.MAURER foto: San Giovanni e Paolo