rainerralph: a little piece of heaven
CoMcFl: Standing In The Fields
thomasw.: furkapass
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Callanish Stones @ last rays of sunshine*
FP-PHOTO-ART: Brunnegghorn, Weisshorn
thomasw.: istanbul
HeinzDS: Nach einer Idee von Maurice Guibert
K.H.Reichert [ ... ]: old pier skyline
Wolfgang Schrade: Unten am Fluss (67)
Marcel Kramer K: Westfries Ommeringdijk
caeciliametella: the message is the medium
debraceravolo: Summer in Full Bloom
Maurizio Paganin: Carbonifera, run!
rainerralph: stacking
piccolinaa: not yet the time for autumn...what's the point??
- ArnO -: Carry You Home
dgarridosan: Port of Llanes, Asturias, Spain
piccolinaa: from deep below
K.H.Reichert [ ... ]: Night over Chioggia - Italy
CoMcFl: I Saw Her Standing Here
piccolinaa: time runs like sand through your fingers
Markus Lehr: Blacklight gallery, Padua: Theaters of absence
Markus Lehr: Saalburgstraße
piccolinaa: friends of the sea
FP-PHOTO-ART: Evening mood, Abendstimmung
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *sunlight in the spring forest*
Mark Leader: TV Tower