Lorrainemorris: Still Life Tulip
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP3496 Scarborough, Oct 2024
Marvin Montado: Anhinga (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Baltimore Oriole (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Brown Violetear (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Great Blue Heron (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Great Egret (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Ringed Kingfisher (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Red-winged Blackbird (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Scarlet-rumped Tanager (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Spotted Sandpiper (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Violet Sabrewing (Costa Rica)
Sultan Sultani: Western Bluebird Couples
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP3502 Scarborough, October 2024
Carsten Bahnsen: Höckerschwan / mute swan (Cygnus olor)
andreas_fery: Feldhase
Greatoutdoorman: A rare settling in the tree tops.
Jürgen Scholz: Mont Saint Michel
Jan Nagalski: Bumblebee on Goldenrod
debbiemeader: Golden-crowned Kinglet!!
BerColly: Billom [Puy de Dôme]
echumachenco: View to the Hochkalter (2607 m) in the Bavarian Berchtesgaden Alps
goma741: La CIUDAD cuenta lo que sus muros hablan - The CITY tells what its walls speak.
goma741: La CIUDAD cuenta lo que sus muros hablan - The CITY tells what its walls speak.
qaxwkhlm1: Fog is in the Air
luigi.alesi: Sibillini - Valle del Bonanno - Castelluccio di Norcia (PG)
Cornelis -traveller: all alone in the fields
echumachenco: Hochstaufen (1771 m), Chiemgau Alps