Masako Metz: afterglow
Aboutlight_: Anastasia
hapulcu: Windy Hike
Lens and Shutter: The river as a mirror.
sterno_yankees: NASH HOT CHIX!
Andrea Moscato: Stuðlagil Canyon (Iceland)
Andrea Moscato: Svartifoss - Skaftafell National Park (Iceland)
peterdayson: Carreg Cennen Castle
Andrea Moscato: Dyrhólaey Lighthouse (Iceland)
Andrea Moscato: Dyrhólaey (Iceland)
mhodis1: 20201011-_60A2441.jpg
Andrea Moscato: The Endless Black Beach - Dyrhólaey (Iceland)
Lens and Shutter: Autumn in Dracula's Castle in Bran, Romania.
Minimonster123: PSX_20201015_223431
antoinebouyer: Telle une avalanche... Bourgeonnement nuageux
Andrea Moscato: Seljalandsfoss (Iceland)
Dietmar Temps: Myanmar (Burma), Buddhist novice in Salay
antoinebouyer: Petite coccinelle jaune
Andrea Moscato: Preikestolen - The Pulpit Rock (Norway)
antoinebouyer: Grosse sauterelle
Andrea Moscato: Lysefjord - Preikestolen, The Pulpit Rock (Norway)
Paolo Paterlini: Mont San Michel
ph.claudio.barbafiera: LAMPADA SCALE
Jalkar: La Courrouze