Amazing Sky Photography: Starlink 5 Train in Twilight
bandhunter88: Northern shoveler flushing I got earlier this year
bandhunter88: Great horned owl in flight
bandhunter88: 0E6A9641
bandhunter88: Canadian goose swims out of the fog
bandhunter88: Mallard ducks flushing just before sun down
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Daily Trek!
bandhunter88: I really liked catching a pair of Hooded Mergansers and a painted turtle sharing the same log
dcstep: Burrowing Owl
Nanard VASSEL: Super lune du 9 mars 2020.
Amazing Sky Photography: The Full Moonrise of March
-stille-: Andromeda galaxy - taken with a Canon T7i at ISO 800 on an Omegon Minitrack lx2, Asahi Takumar 135mm f2.5 at f4 lens. 50 frames of 60s, no flats. Processed in Pixinsight, details to follow :)
Bill Whala: Supper Time
Simon Foot: Downtown Denver Skyline
Simon Foot: Downtown Denver Skyline Panorama
bryce yamashita: Snowflake macro practice.
Jaime Andres Herrera Villarreal: Lophornis delattreii 2
dcstep: American Kestrel Gives Me "The Eye"
Bernie Duhamel: Grand Canyon - Arizona
bryce yamashita: Sunrise.
bryce yamashita: High key background.
dcstep: God Rays Over Denver Tech Center
Dennis Roy: Dark Morphed Ferruginous Hawk
Dennis Roy: Screaming
Dennis Roy: Wings Up