PZ Sunrays: Touchdown
kleiner_eisbaer_75: fairytale heather magic
Claude@Munich: Isarmündung in den Sylvensteinsee
__ PeterCH51 __: Padova - Padua
berholz: Stille (Bilder-)Post #4 (komplette Stille Post)
hubert.sigl1: Drifting in a foggy sea
johncladefield: Atmosphere II
johncladefield: Shadow photoshoot
Claude@Munich: Ludwigshöhe
carlosk75LM: Castro de las Gaviotas - Asturias
V A N D E E: Runner
stephenhjcole: Dawn music
berholz: Stille (Bilder-)Post #4 (Anfangs- und Endbild)
James Marvin Phelps: Long Shadows
PZ Sunrays: Tundra Swan
Gargaël: Cristaux de givre
johncladefield: It's always later than you think V
Mireia Norberto: Just remaining ashes
greenoid: St. Primus and Felician at Jamnik - explored 24.10.24
greenoid: Church of St. Thomas, Slovenia
greenoid: Jasna-See im Nebel
greenoid: Gondeln am Markusplatz, Venedig
greenoid: Santa Maria della Salute
greenoid: Haus am See - House at the Lake
jtr27: Munch Time
stephenhjcole: Rocks and trees
Rob Oo: Pencil and crayon
V A N D E E: Bouquet