HOWARD BRODSKY ON & OFF: Bald Eagle skimming the water with reflections the CRC.........OFF
_Veit_: Looking at me
ericnzhou: Grey Ghost
billslu: Red-tailed Hawk 3I1770
okiox: Japenese white-eye and some sakura
okiox: Osprey with small fish. Pandion haliaetus
jubewakayama: Common crane
jubewakayama: Desert wheatear
jubewakayama: Chinese grey shrike
jubewakayama: Snow bunting
jubewakayama: Fairy pitta
Gavin Edmondstone: Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
Gavin Edmondstone: Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
Gavin Edmondstone: American Wigeon (Mareca americana)
Gavin Edmondstone: Wood Duck - male
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tennessee Warbler
yurg-rishon: Eurasian spoonbill, group portrait
yurg-rishon: Black-winged kite
yurg-rishon: One more Common Kestrel
jubewakayama: Long-eared Owl