gigigonzaga-salapong: Swainson’s Warbler singing his song. This specie is a New World Warbler. The most least observed of all the North American birds and the most secretive. Extreme habitat specificity puts this species at risk both on breeding and wintering grounds.
gigigonzaga-salapong: Blue Crested Dove........
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tri Color Heron @ East Beach
gigigonzaga-salapong: Purple Galiiinule
gigigonzaga-salapong: Indigo Bunting
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tri-colored Heron @ East Beach
gigigonzaga-salapong: Blue Heron in her Spring Best Plumage @ Resoft Park
gigigonzaga-salapong: Reddish Egret @ Bolivar Flats
gigigonzaga-salapong: Spring of 2019 Great Snowy Egret are now learning to fly
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tennessee Warbler
gigigonzaga-salapong: Another immature Summer Tanager
gigigonzaga-salapong: From a different perspective....
gigigonzaga-salapong: Sunset @ Quintana
gigigonzaga-salapong: Painted Bunting
gigigonzaga-salapong: Orchard Oriole
gigigonzaga-salapong: Cape May Warbler
gigigonzaga-salapong: A Cape May Warbler ....Quintana is not the usual Fly way for this particular Warbler. According to some locals this is the third in six to seven years. He is about the only Warbler I have seen who loves his oranges.
gigigonzaga-salapong: The Painted Bunting.......
gigigonzaga-salapong: Female Baltimore Oriole
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tennessee Warbler......The Balancing Act
gigigonzaga-salapong: Tennessee Warbler
gigigonzaga-salapong: Back lit Female Cardinal very common yet beautiful.
gigigonzaga-salapong: Black Throated Green Warbler
gigigonzaga-salapong: Painted Bunting.,,,
gigigonzaga-salapong: Gulf of Mexico......on a cloudy day......used the Panasonic S1 Leica certified Panasonic lens f4 25-105. Hand held 1/60
gigigonzaga-salapong: Finally.....what a striking pose Baltimore Oriole
gigigonzaga-salapong: the last pulp. An immature Orchard Oriole @ Quintana Neotropical Bird Sanctuary,
gigigonzaga-salapong: Baltimore Oriole will do anything for an orange,
gigigonzaga-salapong: White Eyed Verio
gigigonzaga-salapong: White Face Ibis....Preening