Corriplaya: Martín pescador verde, Chloroceryle americana, Green kingfisher
Christoph Wenzel: House Sparrow / Haussperling
Sandy...J: Cyclist
Edge Lee: 20210823-LEE02894
Jaime Andres Herrera Villarreal: Zonotrichia capensis
Jaime Andres Herrera Villarreal: Amazilia castaneiventris 35
Jaime Andres Herrera Villarreal: Amazilia cyanifrons 13
Len Radin: Iowa is Not Flat
Rudy578: Wilson's Warbler
Christoph Wenzel: Ox-Eye Daisy / Magerwiesen-Margerite
Ryan Dyar: In the Shadows
Thomas Shahan 3: Acanalonia(?) - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Brenthia - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Phymata - Oklahoma
antoinebouyer: Goéland
constanzaflorescaceres: Rayador Americano
Eric Gofreed: Greater roadrunner
gilgit2: Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Curefitz: Buzzard on the Lookout
Thomas Shahan 3: Paraphidippus aurantius feeding - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Hentzia mitrata - Oklahoma
antoinebouyer: Autoportrait
lauravictoria.chamorro: Nubes de algodón
lauravictoria.chamorro: Retrato, Isidora.
miletavukicevic: IG_20184
Giodinu: Occhio eh!
strjustin: Orb Weaver
Bryan J. Smith: TURVUL 0800