Mike Gass: Ever Watchful
tanman2: The ghost
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
tanman2: Belted Kingfisher landing
Rob & Amy Lavoie: First Snowy Owl of 2025
SASPhotography67: Back to the Grind..
zuckerme: wet and hungry
zuckerme: coot convention
zuckerme: northern harrier
zuckerme: more sophie
zuckerme: sophie
zuckerme: love triangle
Mike Gass: Close Poser
mpmark: Red Winged Blackbird, Ontario
mpmark: Short-eared Owl
SASPhotography67: Anxiously Awaiting Santa! 🎅. Happy Holidays my Flickr Friends!!! 🙏🙏👊👊👊
Jerry_a: Gray Ghost
Jerry_a: Red-tailed Hawk
Jerry_a: Missed it by THAT Much
Jerry_a: Just a Housefly
Jerry_a: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Jerry_a: Breakfast Below
Jerry_a: Belted Kingfisher
Jerry_a: Dorothy's Slippers Would be Jealous
Jerry_a: Scratchin' Scratchin' Scratchin'
Jerry_a: Northern Harrier
Jerry_a: I've got my eye on you
Jerry_a: Chillin'
Jerry_a: Red Fox - Backlit
Jerry_a: Belted Kingfisher, Male