Mitch Vanbeekum Photography: Why The Long Face? (Long-Eared Owl) - Explored
Anthony Valen Photography: Harfang des neiges - Bubo scandiacus - Snowy Owl
J Rutkiewicz: 2017-04-03_13-31-56_02
antino.c: Falchi grillai
Ettore Guarnaroli: Martin pescatore - Alcedo atthis ♀
Don Henderson: 826 Drey Street (Elplore 2/6/2018)
Gwenael Blk: Muddy path - Bredon Hill (explored)
Summerside90: Cassius Blue
AlanHowe :): Buttermere
ni kon ninja: Short-tailed Blue
Chuck Hantis: Long-eared Owl
Howard Kearley Photography: Customer wanted one of these today, so had to rework, so back on top of my Flickr pile, enjoy.
nans0410(busy): 朝霧碼頭(DSC_5452)
Ian N. White: Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus)