Many thanks for all your likes and comments. Great: S and S on guard. Sooty and Sweep keeping watch.
Sabrina Aspinall: Morning Light
Beatrix MK: Willamette River in Portland, OR
walneywave: Gracie finding another ball
Barry Potter (EdenMedia): Looking to the light
Kadege59: Tina am Turm
BDC Photography: DSC_0021e ~ Shadow
Bennilover: "Anyone else? I need more of a challenge." by Benni
owitton: The Oskar Dog
Ramona Pioneer Girl: Western Bluebird Visits Yard in Ramona, California on August 24, 2019
Jen Buckle: Cachorro Canis Chien собака Dog Hond Hund Perro σκύλοσ 犬 狗 الكلب
philipduke941: Sam the trail hound
uwe.kast: Happy Holiday
uwe.kast: dune mouse
uwe.kast: chilling in the dune
s.d.sea: Mountains Beyond Mountains
s.d.sea: Boo Boo (8 weeks old)
s.d.sea: Boo Boo and Liesel (8 weeks old)
Sabrina Aspinall: Dirty Harry's Balcony
Raquel Robison: 34/52 of Fletcher
Sabrina Aspinall: Dirty Harry's Balcony
Photra99: On the way to the Valley of Fire SP in Nevada