arubow4: What a great view
dave harrison143: Stonechat/male.
martinebrassard2: Tyran tritri
marcbenezech: guifette noire
philnature71: Guêpier
George.Peteraitis: 500_8196.jpg
Gomen S: Eurasian Hoopoe - 4
FotoRequest, Ontario, Canada: European Bee-Eater
michaeldavey506: Guillemot.
decajol: Oiseau dans un mûrier noir
Digital Plume Hunter: Prothonotary Warbler
DODO 1959: reed warbler
fl_mala: "Love is a flower you've got to let it grow.."
vickyoutenphoto: 🇬🇧 Yes Mr Kingfisher I have seen you & what a pleasant surprise 😊 (Explored 17/05/19) #6
MichelGuérin: Hirondelle bicolore - Tachycineta bicolor - Tree Swallow
Henk Laverman: Grutto, Black-tailed Godwit
GillK2012: Good morning
snomanda: Twilight
ericnzhou: Happy Mother's Day (Common Mergansers)
ericnzhou: Life is Tough
isabelle 31: Lever l'ancre
fl_mala: "You can touch the moon if you really want to do it..!" (this photo is dedicated to my friend Xristos Zestos)
SKeysImages: BWWA190515a1CS
bryanashford83: On the horizon
cedant1: an alley in Olvera, Andalousia, Spain [on Explore]
Brad James ~ Nature Photography: White-throated Sparrow...