didier.michelle.ferrand: Martin pêcheur
wjpostma: Witvlakvlinder (rups)
wjpostma: Mandarins in the wild
wjpostma: Gevlekte smalboktor
Jambo53 (): Juvenile Goshawk with breakfast!
Jambo53 (): Juvenile Northern Goshawk
Jambo53 (): Ready for another great year....
Jambo53 (): Happy New Year!
Jambo53 (): Gotcha (1)!
Jambo53 (): The cry....
Chantal Jacques Photography: Stand Up - Ring-necked Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Top Haven for Harlequin Ducks
Bruno Morcel: Meilleurs voeux 2025. Phoque veau-marin (Phoca vitulina) Common seal
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle (female)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Marsh harrier (URN: 2788)
E_Rick1502: Northern Pygmy Owl
RickCGraham: Glossy Ibis / Plegadis falcinellus / 彩䴉
PETEJLB: Peregrine Falcon
neilhilton65: Crested Tit
Daniel.Pettersson: Pinicola enucleator | Pine Grosbeak | tallbit
ronald groenendijk: R24_4866-NR
RICHARD STONE NATURE LAND: untitled (91 of 109)-Edit.jpg
RJSchutDigitaal: Pimpelmees - Eurasian Blue Tit - Blaumeise - Cyanistes caeruleus