vedebe: Un vol en parapente pour trouver le chat? / Paragliding to find the cat?
oiZox: Silhouette and sea
Dmitriy Ryabov: Night Hunting
oiZox: Summer
ugoj: ****
Hindrik S: View on Den Bosch
vedebe: Inspection des placards / Cupboards ispection
paulaaranoa: Horizontes perdidos.
vedebe: D'un même pas... / To walk together...
Whippet X: Lisboa
vedebe: Bon pour la prière... / Ok for pray..
Oddras: Rådhuspladsen
ugoj: ****
Hindrik S: Teardrops Over You
paulaaranoa: Llave perdida.(Lost key)
koen_jacobs: let's tell a story
vedebe: A vos pailles! / Get your straws!
paulaaranoa: Emerger.
Hindrik S: Fryslân - Homeland #7
AlexnikonD90: Crazy- Olympus Pen FT
blah_pleh: Angelika
Brad Visser: 86/366 Forked
sharmi_diya06: One Foggy Evening
vedebe: cov19: Et les pharmacies resteront ouvertes... / Pharmacies will remain open....
Whippet X: Firenze