robertosivieri: NOVELLO VILLAGE (27-10-2020-EXPLORED)
shawnjenks: Snack Time
antonella.diiorio: L’autunno è talmente innamorato dei tramonti da dipingerne uno su ogni singola foglia. Massimo Lo Pilato
Stoneflint: 180727_2203_7752-40
Stoneflint: 181028_1318_2152-40
BDFri2012: Patricia Lake sunrise reflections
bravo-tango: Golden Sunrise
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP6334 Lights and sunset
yan08865: Annapurna BC
shin ikegami: 2019/4/20 - 12/15 photo by shin ikegami.
shin ikegami: 2019/4/20 - 10/15 photo by shin ikegami.
rickwil64: Going, Going...
Danilo Agnaioli: Il sole nascosto
Sergei P. Zubkov: She Went Fishing
peterwaller: Busy Place (Washington DC)
Josef...: threeWorlds
Josef...: gloriousDay
Marie du 35.: Misty morning. Matin brumeux.
Lothar Heller: Iceland_Shower_1606
Hier und Jetzt: Frühling:-))
ferdahejl: Roma_Forum Romanum_Italia
albertoadami55: Un altro mondo... Oltre le nebbie
astolfi.m: El Calafate Patagonia Argentina
ICM5: Broken