crowt59: Old McKinney Ruins
crowt59: McKinney, Texas
crowt59: Old McKinney Ruins
crowt59: Old McKinney Ruins
crowt59: Old McKinney Ruins Instruments
crowt59: The State Theatre
crowt59: Old McKinney Ruins Door Knob
crowt59: Dallas from pool of water on Elm St.
crowt59: Man on the hill
crowt59: Old brick top bridge Oklahoma
crowt59: Drive-in Entrance sign at the Admiral Twin, OK
crowt59: Butterfly
d'cuir: i get lost here. remember me when im gone []
d'cuir: borrowers of the dark [] you need really more darkness call the number of the big lender 666 *disclaimer
d'cuir: Folie à Deux [] i cant love you .arthur [] you said you are not joker
d'cuir: wird mich jemand bewegen wenn ich friere [] wird jemand die monster vertreiben die mich quälen [] wird mich jemand auffangen wenn ich falle [] wird jemand das leben wieder in ordnung bringen
d'cuir: Blurred mind, efflorescence of dying flowers []
astolfi.m: Nyabwitagi, Ikoma, Mara, Tanzania
astolfi.m: Nyabwitagi, Ikoma, Mara, Tanzania
astolfi.m: Nyabwitagi, Ikoma, Mara, Tanzania
Dirk Buse: Finnlandtour 2024-06-19_10-59-29
aidanategnv: Eowyndy_0231lq
Mike Finkelstein: the Friday butterfly
quietpurplehaze07: a seaside sunset
michelarnoux1: Dans mon village.
Ted Holm Photography: The sunset bathes the beach in golden hues as waves crash rhythmically against the rocks, whispering secrets of the sea
Iza 222: Aigrette garzette
wjm photography: Winterzauber am Rothsee_IMG_5300
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