Laval Roy: 1.19891 Hirondelle rustique / Hirundo rustica erythrogaster / Barn Swallow
Laval Roy: 1.01537 Grèbe esclavon / Podiceps auritus cornutus / Horned Grebe
GVG Imaging: red admiral on purple buddleja
Jay KoolPix: Glossy Ibis
NW Vagabond: Denizen Of The Local Pond
Ken Krach Photography: Dolly Sods at Night
jayneboo: Rudbeckia Pops
Мaistora: Square Mile, once again...
Howard Somerville (10 million views): St Bartholomew, Brightwell Baldwin
Cristiano Pelagracci: An act of darkness
Robin Huang 35: DSC_4542
whimsical_male: Fan-tailed
whimsical_male: On display
whimsical_male: Active inner
whimsical_male: Monarch of the post
whimsical_male: Magnificent once upon a time
pallotta luigi: Torcicollo (Jynx torquilla)
pallotta luigi: Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis)
pallotta luigi: Codirossone (Monticola saxatilis)
pallotta luigi: Picchio rosso maggiore (Dendrocopos major)
pallotta luigi: Picchio rosso maggiore (Dendrocopos major)
pallotta luigi: Cannaiola (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
pallotta luigi: Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis)
pallotta luigi: Gruccione (Merops apiaster)
pallotta luigi: Upupa (Upupa epops)
richard_morel: Harfang des neiges / Snowy Owl
fishric: Aha Peanuts.
Rusty Russ: Dark Clouds