Rusty Russ: Evening Scene in the Park
Rusty Russ: Serene Digital Painting
Rusty Russ: Sunbathing in the Street in the Snow. What were they thinking?
Rusty Russ: The Universe Swirls Out of Control
Rusty Russ: Not Human
Rusty Russ: Olden Lady and Slum Dog
Rusty Russ: Joy to Us All
Rusty Russ: Wild Horse on Wild Beach
Rusty Russ: Lost in Color
Rusty Russ: Coming to a New World
Rusty Russ: Lightning Strike
Rusty Russ: Welcome the Sunrise
Rusty Russ: In the Forest
Rusty Russ: Ipswich River in Prehistoric Times. Certaintly doesn't look like this now. Good thing I have my Wayback machine and camera.
Rusty Russ: It's Alive
Rusty Russ: Gathering of the Minds
Rusty Russ: The Princess and the Monster
Rusty Russ: Oops
Rusty Russ: In Olden Days
Rusty Russ: Elephant in the Sky
Rusty Russ: Evening Clouds
Rusty Russ: Bride & Groom Get Married in Niagara Falls...literally in the falls. Not the best of ideas,
Rusty Russ: The Flying Eye
Rusty Russ: Three Wise People are Arriving
Rusty Russ: Working the Waves - Rework of an old painting (not mine) in a musium.
Rusty Russ: Strange Creatures at Night
Rusty Russ: Looking Down Upon Us
Rusty Russ: Ancient Times
Rusty Russ: Ladies Three
Rusty Russ: Sedona Tree ReMixed