agibbsphoto: Torridon Forest
agibbsphoto: Torridon
agibbsphoto: Loch Maree autumn colour
agibbsphoto: calm moment
agibbsphoto: Notch Hill
agibbsphoto: Icicles at Englishman River Falls
agibbsphoto: Weiner Falls
agibbsphoto: Classic Seymour
agibbsphoto: Icicles
agibbsphoto: Frosty Boulders
agibbsphoto: Encased in Ice
agibbsphoto: Englishman Winter
agibbsphoto: Arbutus
agibbsphoto: Old Growth Forest
rootcrop54: another view of Guru in the impossibly-small box
pedro lastra: Great Blue Heron in full breeding colors arrives at the nest, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
Shedugengan: Goldfinches
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Indigenous Area
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: 2021 Kenworth T800 Tri-axle Dump Truck
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Chapel of Saint Marie
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Shoemaker/Tailor Building
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Farmer's Dwelling-Stables
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: 2022 Kenworth T370 LPG Tank Truck
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Fleshing Aea
clickclique: Tree root surprise
clickclique: The story of my life
clickclique: Decoration for Christmas
clickclique: Merry Christmas to all!