Nad'Image: Crabier chevelu (Ardeola ralloides) ou héron crabier
Klaus Eisner: Graureiher mit Hecht / Grey heron with a northern pike
C.L.T.: Paloma torcaz, Common Wood Pigeon
berndrieck: Blaumeise
Patti Deters: Female Pyrrhuloxia - Perch
sileneandrade10: Biguá - Neotropic Cormorant
BerColly: Le faon
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Raposa, Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Maria-L: Kestrel
michelarnoux1: Dans mon jardin.
mlachance04: Carouge à épaulettes ( Agelaius phoeniceus )
philippeoros: Guêpier d'Europe
ChrisDeno92: 115589 Parc Château de Sceaux
christianeleouet1: Le cri........
Steve Brynes: A Rare And Very Momentary Detente
Douglas Riverside-Movie-Pictures: Brasilianischer Sperlingskauz
lukaszW75: 390A2345
Bernard Fabbro: huppe fasciée / hoopoe 24K_1825
Christine_S.: warbling white-eye
Paul McGoveran: Catch of the day
Thomas Retterath: Giraffe at sunset
mauriziogentiliphoto: Vespette in accoppiamento -01-09-2024
Stef54B: Ghiandaia marina - Coracias garrulus
Colin Pacitti: looking back
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Grey-breasted Spurfowl, a Tanzania endemic
!nottellin!: Eastern Bluebird
Paul McGoveran: The Dive