phil winter: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Taz !: Basqued in the glow of Bilbao
Taz !: I like big boats and I cannot lie
Lee J Markowitz: Pittsburgh Sunrise
Fromerofoto: D O Ñ A N A // “Mirada” #doñana #doñanawildlife
Andrea Giannuzzi: Una Manarola insolita Port Seton 02 December 2018 00063.jpg
Sandhill Pictures: Hoarfrost on Wild Raspberry Leaves 20181209-DSC01304
Photolove2017: Boat traffic at night.
Croosterpix: Torre de Belem
Taz !: Hide in your shell
Taz !: Papparazzi
Taz !: Google Guggenheim
gporada: Wet Brown Rock Candy - Focus Stack
neath stan the man: Solitude and Tranquility
garyroustan: 2018.11.17 Paris by night 5
garyroustan: 2018.11.17 Paris by night 3
Croosterpix: Plitvice
Sandhill Pictures: Pine Trees on the Overlook 20181111-DSC01158
G. Lefebvre: Plage du Donegal
v o y a g e u r: L’automne en Belgique
Hugh Stanton: Modern day lampost
danielnotnow1: Love the late afternoon fall light in Morro Bay.
Juan María Coy: Time flies when you are in the right place at the right time. Midnight tram at Liberty Bridge (Budapest, Hungary)
gporada: Focus Stack - Structures on Poppy Seeds ...
lwj54168: 20181117雲洞山莊移動版
Paco_X: A Profile in Mischief