dcumminsusa: Melanistic Leopard
Greg CvnT: Peaceful Morning
Daniel Viñe fotografia: The end of the world
Juan María Coy: Northern lights dance over Skógafoss, the treasure waterfall – Skógar (Iceland)
Charles Connor: Top of the heap
Malcolm Benn: Pine Marten
Jack Lefor: Sanderling ND HK 1.1
Carsten Bahnsen: Eichhörnchen - red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
@macro_action: Rise of the Valkarie
Akhil Sangaonkar: Ascending to architectural elegance
@macro_action: Shallow Owl
Jochen Maes: Zebra Mosaic (butterfly)
Heffordphoto: Swallowtail
CroftSnapper: Food on the Fly
Karsten Gieselmann: Little faqir
MarjieM777: Dark pink salvia is the second choice -Explored August 8, 2022
Susanne Leyh: Fox in meditation pose
Alan MacKenzie: Red Fox (Vixen)
vrgsrkla92: Beauty. 😍
lester204: insect Green HS B05_21-04-22_002-04
photosauraus rex: Eyes on the Prize
Jarek S. "Jerry": Goosanders
IshranI: Female red-winged blackbird
Mike Veltri: Ameican Bittern
kirkbrideleo: _LTK0182
hotte54: Seidenschwanz (waxwing)
rangerbatt: Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) male