shaunyoung365: Colorado Mountain View
Greko One: Mini raj
pbertner: Cone-headed katydid eating cicada
pbertner: Harvestman under UV light
pbertner: Jumping spider on umbrella mushroom (Marasmius sp.)
Dominic Scott Photography: Waterfall - Pukekura Park New Plymouth
Simaron: Standing Stones
Scotland by NJC.: A view westwards to the Isle of Arran 14 miles across the Firth of Clyde from near to Seamill. Goatfell is the highest peak at 874 metres, Ayrshire, Scotland. Lama Guanicoe in Torres Del Paine National Park
teun_van_dijk: Walking the Dog on the Beach
jarnasen: Lead into the mist
pbertner: Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sp.) feeding on fruit
pbertner: Newly hatched stink bug nymphs
pbertner: Caudal luring by a two-striped forest viper (Bothrops bilineata)
Dean T.: Bald Rock
Anei Ionut Visuals: Magic winter morning
TojoLeo: Squirrel in the Rain
Ger1969: Cascada de Chacín
antonkimpfbeck: " Traumsee "
Dag Ole Nordhaug: Riverside frost.
agibbsphoto: Harris and Lewis
andrew.knowles25: Time Lords
andrew.knowles25: Stick or twist.
PhilCorleyPhoto: Golden Tops
andrew.knowles25: The Magician.
andrew.knowles25: Perfect Autumn morning
Dean.bentham65: Woodland 186
look to see: Tengere pantserjuffer (Lestes virens) in hemels avondlicht.
PhilCorleyPhoto: Woodwind