oskar.guenther: gerade kommt die Sonne über die Bäume der Insel inmitten des Erlensees -
Michael Zheng - 奔驰野马: Testing Canon R5 Mark II
Elbmaedchen: Trepp auf, Trepp ab
javieripas: Pathways to the Horizon: Sunrise Over a Rocky Shoreline
karindebruin: Decayed Heath!
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *when sun and fog enchant the landscape...*
Bea teDo: Colourful Crown Caps
hiitsdee: StarLids1
jhtguksnaps: Lid - MM
SVA1969: Magic ball in the Seascape
margycrane: Little tomatoe's leaf
judy dean: Leaf
camsdl: The Leaf
** Sonia **: Macro Mondays - Hexagon
helendavies5: Painty flower swirl.
helendavies5: Dolphin in a wineglass!
Cartale: Spring Spring
Dhina A: Early Spring
J.Weyerhäuser: HMM Macro Mondays - Wavy Lines
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: American Robin - Turdus migratorius
Ranveig Marie Photography: Wonderful evening company
klickpix70: the throne
sperry2570: Wint O Green
nick.linda: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
NaturewithMar: Macro Lily