Norbert Kaiser: Nebelwetter...
Sandra's Weeds: Fall Celebration
Deborah Freeman: male kingfisher with a starry flounder, or so I've been told. Honestly I wouldn't have known pretty little thing though.
Richard Mouser: October is Here!
Rick Lanting: Grinnell Glacier
Eric Gofreed: Double-crested cormorants
Julia Trotti: seaside breeze
Royen Lock 2019: 160510 Thunder
Deborah Freeman: still enjoying the young GHO, took so many images...he was very pensive that night...just how far away is that next tree???
Guillermo Yanez: NGC6302, the bug nebulae
nickinthegarden: Something different
Melissa Kung: Red-breasted Nuthatch 7DC_0196
DennisSmarr: IMG_9443-1
Deborah Freeman: same pond. as the hooded merganser, couldn't resist the light on this mallard's feathers.
Catherine Gidzinska and Simon Gidzinski: Panorama of Amazon river sunset, Puerto Maldonado, Peru, South America
Markus Branse: Severe Thunderstorm
nickinthegarden: Male Wood Duck
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Summicron DR + Leica M240
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica Thambar Portrait
DennisSmarr: IMG_9309-1
DennisSmarr: IMG_9347-1
DennisSmarr: IMG_9440-1
DennisSmarr: IMG_0954-1
normanwest4tography: Starling - Sturnus valgaris