SASPhotography67: Colors by Mother Nature..
David Brooker: Mum calling out the kids
Judy Gallagher: Red Milkweed Beetle - Tetraopes tetrophthalmus, Meadowood SRMA, Mason Neck, Virginia, June 30, 2023
j.motx: Flamenco jóven.phoenicopterus roseus.Delta d´Ebre.Spain.
Judy Gallagher: 181/366 - Stinkbug newly hatched nymphs, Sperryville, Virginia, June 29, 2024
Judy Gallagher: Harvestman - Leiobunum vittatum, Laurel Hill Park, Lorton, Virginia, September 14, 2018
Judy Gallagher: Ornate Bella Moth - Utetheisa ornata, Big Cypress National Preserve, Ochopee, Florida, February 8, 2022
David Brooker: Yellowhammer
PETEJLB: Eurasian Hoopoe
David Brooker: Swallowtail
long.fanger: sunning
David Brooker: Chiffchaff
Anke knipst(on/off ): Abflug-departure
andredekesel: Rhinoscapha
WestEndFoto: Anniversary Bliss
jf Pascal: Guêpier d'Europe (Merops apiaster) - European Bee-eater
SASPhotography67: Sunset Snacks…
David Brooker: Grasshopper warbler
long.fanger: no worries
long.fanger: Let there be peace...
long.fanger: Early spring
long.fanger: cardinal in spring
long.fanger: Eastern tailed blue
long.fanger: the wink...
long.fanger: knock your eyes out yellow
Kerguélen31: Balbuzard pêcheur en vol
sandra bourgeois: Pic flamboyant - Northern flicker
Judy Gallagher: Banded Pennant - Celithemis fasciata, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, McBee, South Carolina, May 24, 2024
Judy Gallagher: 145/366 - Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus, Cypress Wetlands, Port Royal, South Carolina, May 24, 2024