kennethcanada1: False Creek Ferries, With The Art Deco Burrard Street Bridge In The Backgrounde.
kennethcanada1: Image 2018-05-21 at 5.18 PM
kennethcanada1: Tools Of The Truth, Honesty
decorace51: Ready to release the tongue
Andrelo2014: Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter (Thymelicus sylvestris)
Andrelo2014: Kratzdistel-Rüsselkäfer (Larinus turbinatus)
Neotropical Pete: ANDEAN EMERALD Amazilia franciae Perched by Erythrina megistophylla Flowers in Mindo in Northwestern ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.
Neotropical Pete: A Rare WHITE-FACED NUNBIRD Hapaloptila castanea in the Tandayapa Valley of Northwestern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.
Neotropical Pete: RUSSET-CROWNED WARBLER Myiothlypis coronata near Bellavista in Northwestern ECUADOR. Warbler Photo by Peter Wendelken.
In Memoriam: Diegojack: Du bleu plein les yeux
He Ro: Male leopard on a tree trunk
.^.Blanksy: Acquainted with the Night
mariola aga: Dreamy fantasy
Gérard & Françoise: 06.29.18.Blé
Nicolau LL.: C Baix_8347 Calima
@wilder_action: everything that has a beginning, must have an end
lise.portugal: Le temps des lys !
bluarancio85: DSCF8073log
pho-toc: IMG_7280
Oscar Padilla Álvarez: Mussaenda philippica
Oscar Padilla Álvarez: Alerta Bocana de Ostiones
Oscar Padilla Álvarez: Iris...desafiante
lise.portugal: Tentation ....
lise.portugal: Marguerite du Cap !
lise.portugal: Histoire de cloches ..... Cloches de la Basilique de Nazaré - Portugal
giuliopinzaglia: Wood-Wild
giuliopinzaglia: sunset-tramonto