michndb: Il y a quelqu'un derrière l'appareil ? There's someone behind the camera ?
Caty V. mazarias antoranz: Milana Vergara actuando en El Perla Madrid
tinu.coman: Dominatrix
Blendenpoesie: Time to go your own way :-)
James Q Chang: Suffering 受苦受难
Antonio Chac: Puesta de sol
brandonzcreations: Colorful Lightning Strike
Insher: The anima and animus
isa.ju69: deformidad
Ull màgic (+1.500.000 views): Jardins dels Alemanys / Girona / Gironés / Catalunya (Cataluña-Catalonia)
Gianstefano Fontana Vaprio: My heart can see
RenaldasUK: Bamburgh Castle | Northumberland
matteocarta.net: Portrait of a Miao Girl
Bouhsina Photography: Les montagnes oranges.
Martin LaBar: fly on dew on new pink dogwood, ours
Daz Smith: cursed fox baby
lunaryuna: a lone tree's longing for the sea
ignasir: Paso al Correr Montcada
Ull màgic (+1.500.000 views): Monestir de Sant Pere Galligants / Girona / Gironés / Catalunya (Cataluña-Catalonia)
MikeBoyes: Birth of a Fern
Insher: Phenomenal rectangle Pala d'Oro
Forest Eyes: Zen together
Rutsi: Columna Palau de la Musica
Arô Ribeiro: Foto- Arô Ribeiro -2348
Berry_collins: the big elephant